Moments.  We all need a moment sometimes.  A moment to breathe, a moment to feel, and a moment to just you without feeling any responsibility in the world.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, motherhood is the most exhausting yet best thing that's ever happened to me.  I truly wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, even on my most horrible days.  One of the things, I've felt, that has brought me comfort and sanity is taking time for me; to grow as an individual and just for a few moments "not be a mom."  I mean those last few words in the most respectful way.  I truly have come to learn that when I take these moments for myself, I come back feeling refreshed, happier, energized and with more love in my heart for my family than ever!  Since I've dedicated 2018 to NURTURING, it has to start with nurturing myself; my body, my mind and my heart, so in turn I can nurture the relationships and roles I carry in this world. So here are some of the top moments I take for myself that bring clarity and joy in my motherhood journey.

Photo By: Crystal Marie Sing Photography

Photo By: Crystal Marie Sing Photography

1 . Me Night 

Yup...there's nothing like a night after work solely committed to doing nothing "wifey" or "mommy" related.  Every Monday evening after a day in the office, I get the evening all to do anything I want, and boy does it feel nice having that one evening a week where I don't have to rush home to think about dinner, or cleanup and prepare for the bedtime battle. I typically switch it up every week by changing around what I do.  Some evenings I go for a pedicure and nice dinner, BY MYSELF, and hail to the world is that a luxury I never thought I'd value.  Other times, I'll schedule wine nights with some of my nearest and dearest, or I'll go cozy up in a coffee shop with my book and read my head off.  Sometimes, if I can justify the spending, I will make a trip to the mall and do some solo shopping.  You can't imagine how quick the time flies by, but also how much my heart is feeling the warmth of getting home to see my boys.  I wouldn't be able to do this without the support of my husband, so kudos to you babe!

Photo By: Crystal Marie Sing Photography

Photo By: Crystal Marie Sing Photography

2. Work It

Prior to having Q I wasn't really big on the working out game.  I always made the attempt and I had times where I stuck to a routine, but it was never with any motivation or fire, it really always felt like a drag.  Flash forward 3 years later, one hell of a trainer and group of ladies and my outlook is completely different.  I was blessed to be introduced to a work out group that has brought such motivation and drive in not just my physical being, but my mental fortitude.  In addition to a weekly boot camp, I commit another hour a week to spin, which as weird as it sounds really allows me to reflect on what's going on in that head of mine.  What is hurting me? What is pushing me forward?  Who is bringing light and positivity to my world and who is bringing me down?  These sweat moments to grow, strengthen and nurture my body and brain have truly made a pivotal change in my happiness.  I feel so much stronger mentally and physically when I return to the mama role and ready to take it on with all the positivity I have in me. 

Photo By: Crystal Marie Sing Photography

Photo By: Crystal Marie Sing Photography

3. Monthly Mama Dates

We all need people who can relate to us, feel our pain and celebrate the successes.  I'm blessed to have such fabulous ladies in my life that are positive, supportive and loyal and nothing can ever replace those bonds.  In particular my mama tribe has been my saving grace from day one.  The one's I've cried with, laughed with and lost my shit with.  We shared our mat leaves together and spent a good chunk of our times between feedings and naps together or chatting about the next challenge.  Then life got busy; we returned to work and pursued other ventures but we made a commitment and promise to each other to make sure we got time together.  As time went on, we found value in having time without the kids and booking a weekend afternoon/morning for spa days followed by lunch/coffee.  So every 6 weeks we plan a date, set in our calendars and make it happen.  It can be challenging to find the right time and date with all the different commitments, but putting it as a priority has been so important and it genuinely brings out such a love in our friendships and supports how we grow us mothers for our babies. 

So there it is babes, a few ways I take some time to reset and refresh.  I challenge you mama's....and dad's to take time for you, however you feel is best for your mind and body.  It truly is powerful on how nurturing yourself and putting in time for your own growth can allow for clarity, love and further happiness, especially as a parent.