"Once Upon A Time."  Probably the most magical words I've ever heard.  It means new adventure, a new character, a new journey, all from the comfort of your bed, couch, living room floor or mama's lap.  As a passionate reader myself, I knew once we were expecting that I would do my best to instil this hobby in my child.  I would read every night while he was in my belly.  At first, it started out with just reading out loud the current novel I was engrossed in.  As time went on, I started to read "Oh The Places You Will Go" by Dr. Suess to my kicking belly. Once Q was born, we dove into the reading right away and man does it pay off.  The kiddo loves his books (I have the biggest smile on my face as I write that).  I can't begin to describe the feeling I get when he picks a book from his shelf, brings it over to me, sits on my lap and has the look on his face that just says, "I'm ready to take this adventure"  The best part is, he does it with every person that comes over to hang out with him.  Just like any of us, he has his favorites and I have mine too, so I thought I'd share these with you.

1. On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman.

A true classic in our household!  I hope this book stays in our family for years to come.  This was one of the first books I started reading Q once he entered out world.  It very quickly became a night time ritual.  The words are magical and the illustrations always spark innocent curiosity in his eyes.  It's a book celebrating birth, the love and joy it's brought to the people surrounding the child and everyone's worth in this world.

1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.

A rainbow of delightful animals and sing-a-long text, what could be better?  The repetitive structure of this book creates a fun, easy read for your little ones.  The story covers an array of language elements, such as, color, animals and answering questions. It is recommended for preschool age, however, I started reading this to Q from infant age and always end up doing crazy voices and sounds.  I found that kids are highly attracted to this book and it's illustrations.  

3.  Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle



BEEP BEEP BEEP.....and there comes Q running over.  Little Blue Truck has scored some major points in my household the last couple months.  I initially purchased this book when Q was quite little, but I found he didn't start engaging with it till just after he turned one.  This book is stacked with truck and animal sounds and show the power of friendship and how helpings others goes a long way.

4. One Love by Cedella Marley

Who doesn't love Bob Marley? And now a whole kids book devoted to one of my favorite BM tracks....perfection!!  One Love is filled with colourful illustrations of people from different ethnicities, animals and nature, who come together in their community with nothing but love and positivity in their heart.

Reading has always been a big part of my life and so far it's been one of my favorite things to do with Q as he grows up.  Keep following along on the blog as I continue to share many more of our favorite reads.