There is nothing like seeing two little babes grow and encounter this world together.  Some may call it a forced encounter or friendship, and I'd have to agree, that at first it completely is.  As time goes on though, and you see the bond that forms between the two,  you can't help but pat yourself on the back for pushing two little kiddies towards baby bestie-hood.  

We are so fortunate that a couple of our closest friends were expecting their first baby 3 short months after Q was born.  As soon as we found out we were taking this journey of pregnancy and parenthood together, we started making the plans.  Swimming lessons, art classes, music classes and of course those darn cute photoshoots.  

As soon as Ava was born, we were scheduling one meet up per week.  It was so nice to see Q getting some baby interaction and it felt really valuable that both kids had that exposure to one another and take on this new world they had entered into.  It was nice to finally have some adult interaction with my friend Angie as we settled into mama rhythm.  

As Q and Ava grew, it was amazing to see how they started recognizing each other. We'd see the little smiles and excitement of flaring arms when they'd see each other.  As we stepped into year two and Q started to his first words, it was remarkable to us how he so quickly learned to say Ava (one of his first 10 words).  The excitement in his eyes when he sees her at this age is a testament to how meaningful friendship is from such a young age.  It goes to show that it isn't just us adult who experience the importance of a good friend.  They've learned to share together, laugh together, cry together, explore together and most importantly, be kind to one another.  

Now that life is back in full swing with both us mamas being back to work, it's not as easy to get the two of them together as much as we're use to or would like.  However, the days we do get Q and his bestie together seem so much more precious and wonderful for them both.  I guess the saying rings true...distance does make the heart grow fonder